Automatic ABEL Flash Point Tester



  • Microcontroller Based, Inbuilt PC with Touch Screen, RS232, USB, LAN Ethernet connections.
  • Build in barometric pressure sensor and automatic pressure correction.
  • Fire extinguisher with fire sensor and inert gas connection (CO2 or N2)
  • Automatic arm movements with permanently fixed sample cup lid, stirrer, sample temperature  sensor, Flash detector and Igniter for easy operation
  • Inbuilt  Air Cooled Peltier or External  water circulator  cooled
  • Various Safety Interlocks
  • Methods, Results storage facility. Detail Result print or PDF

Automatic Flash Point Tester , Model AutoFlash-170 as per test methods cover the determination of the closed-cup flash point of combustible liquids having flash points between -30,0 °C and 70,0 °C, inclusive. Extended range up to 110 deg C.


Standard Methods : ISO 13736, IP170


Temperature Range : 

10 Deg C to 110 Deg C. (Inbuilt Air cooled Peltier)

-30 Deg C to 110 Deg C.  (External Refrigerated Circulator)