Bench Top EDXRF

Bench Top EDXRF

Xenemetrix Ltd. Specializes in the design, development, production, and marketing of Energy – Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence (Ed-XRF) systems. EDXRF Spectrometers provide one of the simplest, most accurate, and most economical analytical methods, for the determination of the elemental composition of most types of material.

The technique is generally non-destructive, requiring little if any sample preparation, and is suitable for solids, liquids, powders, and alloys.

EDXRF can measure a wide range of elements, from Carbon (6) to Fermium (100), while providing sub-ppm detection limits for many applications

  • X-Calibur – Bench Top EDXRF Spectrometer: Fast, Accurate, Easy to Use.
  • Genius IF – Bench Top EDXRF Spectrometer With Secondary Targets
  • RoHS – Ensure Compliance with RoHS with the Ability for Full Elemental Analysis
  • X-Cite – Affordable EDXRF analyzer, 35KV/9W or 40KV/18W