Semi Automatic ABEL Flash Point Tester


  • Automatic Flash Detection and Hold reading of Flash.
  • Cooling with Inbuilt air cooled Peltier or external water circulator.
  • Heating control with precise ten turn potentiometer.
  • Electric Igniter (Auto on/off) and Gas Igniter (Manual on/off).
  • Digital sample temperature indicator also indicates sample temperature rate and stirrer RPM.
  • Permanently fixed sample cup lid, stirrer, sample temperature sensor, flash detector and igniter for easy operation.
  • Automatic test operation in specified temperature range and also manual Single push test switch (Stirring and heating stops with electric igniter lightning, dipping and resume, if flash detects cooling gets ON).

Semi Automatic Flash Point Tester , Model Flash-170s as per test methods cover the determination of the closed-cup flash point of combustible liquids having flash points between -30°C and 70°C, inclusive. Extended range up to 110°C.


Standard Methods : ISO 13736, IP170


Temperature Range : 

10°C  to 110°C. (Inbuilt Air Cooled Peltier)

-30°C to 110°C.  (External Refrigerated Circulator)